Patient Preferences, Perceptions, and the Evolving Challenges of Ensuring Patient Compliance with Diagnostic Healthcare Testing

The healthcare landscape is constantly evolving as new technologies are developed and patient preferences shift. In the post-pandemic world, where patients demand convenience, it is critical that efforts are made to meet patients where they are and reduce the burden of seeking and receiving routine care. Moving routine healthcare testing to the home has quickly gained momentum as a potential solution for increasing patient engagement, particularly for geographically isolated and sensitive populations.

Laboratory test results influence ~70% of medical decisions today according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), underscoring the importance of making testing widely accessible. Modern technologies that are enabling self-collection of clinical grade blood samples are expanding the possibilities of moving healthcare into the home. Patient preferences and perceptions relating to home blood testing must be understood to successfully drive broader adoption of home-based care programs.

Tasso, Inc. set out to capture patient perspectives on healthcare, blood testing, and the ways people interact with available care options today. Tasso conducted a comprehensive survey of more than 600 adults (age 18-65+) to assess some of their experiences and preferences regarding blood testing, as well as their perspectives about the future of care. The survey outcomes validate prevailing industry perspectives that patients are underserved by the current status quo and are seeking convenient, trusted, painless healthcare options. We found that patients desire and are seeking new technologies that can help them achieve better healthcare experiences.

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